Monday 23 August 2010

Easy Life: Newsletter

Easy Life: Newsletter


Working as a Public Service Interpreter can be challenging.

The other day I had to attend a home visit to an Italian couple who had just had a baby.

Health Visitor: Your baby has sickle cell trait

What the fuck is sickle cell trait? gotta be some kind of blood disorder, trait? is it like trace? like he is carrying the disease rather than actually having it? I glance at the leaflet the health visitor has in her lap and I pick up the latin name for it, Haemoglobin blah, blah, blah and manage to sound convincing when I tell the family, Italians of Bangladeshi origins - thank God - that: "your son carries the gene of Haemoglobin in his blood.

Fortunately the Health Visitor went on to explain exactly what it was or all the poor family would have been aware of is that their child had blood running through his veins!

I trained for the English Law Option, darn it, not to talk about diarrhoea and milk formulas! Where are the Mafia guys I have to translate for at the Old Baily? Where's Marlon Brando?

Anyway, I started work at 9:30 and was done at 10:37 making what most people make in two days, can't complain.

I went to see the new flick with Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception. Total shit. All about living in a reality vs a dream world, the subconscious, planting ideas into it...please! If someone forces me to watch it again I will confess to any crime just to have them shut it off. At the end we are left wondering if we are actually finally in the real world or still in the dream one.
A sequel? Shoot me!

I love you, I love you, I love you. We use this word so easily. Love is about the pleasure of giving without personal gain, without an agenda. It is the ultimate unconditional, selfless expression of one's being. Are you still sure you love me or did you just mean you'd like to get into my....

On TV last night:
"You went to bed with.....?"
"I had to, she's a sex addict".
"She must be!"

Turning down jobs that are badly paid is bliss. People think the right thing to do is to take on board anything that is on offer because there are always opportunities that one may otherwise miss. I think it's selling oneself short. I wouldn't go out with a guy I didn't fancy just because it was on the offering thinking it's either this or nothing, would you?

Full moon in Pisces tomorrow, seriously considering lobotomy, can you tell?

Saturday 14 August 2010

The Higher Self

I don't believe in things like astrology, god, the angels, extra-terrestrial, various form of divination or others belief systems, per se.

I consider them all methods by which we can access our higher consciousness, or self.
This is because our minds are used to accept something which comes from high above with more ease.
Also we tend to be so untrustworthy and constantly thinking in terms of being better than the other that we dislike and distrust anyone who displays what we call psychic powers not understanding that there is no such thing as personal gain, but that's another blog.

All the above mentioned methods, though, are invaluable in providing us with the tools necessary in order to access our higher self.

Astrology, for which I have the greatest reverence (if I contradict myself here I'm only human and my mind is also a simple one), requires a great amount of study but at the end of the day it's up to the astrologer, having given the planets, aspects, houses and so on a precise meaning, to come to the interpretation or rather, to contact his/her higher self for the message. Thus astrology is also a tool, the more in touch the astrologer, the more inspired the reading.

I love what Abraham-Hicks videos say about just being happy and watch one's thoughts. The whole thing is very controversial and if Ms Hicks were to say those things herself people would immediately find faults and resist the concepts. When it comes from a higher source we are less guarded against it. Yes, we are guarded also towards what we believe in!

The higher self is integral part of each one of us and not at all distant or separate from our body. It's an extension of ourselves, the extra inches tall we want to be perhaps. The more we pay attention, concentrate and focus on hearing what it has to say - through whichever method we may chose or simply by itself - the more it speaks to us. At all times.