Friday 14 June 2013

The Confused Angelfish

Easy Life

So, in Turkey, mostly a Muslim country, they have restrained the time when one's allowed to buy alcohol, regardless of the fact that 90% of people living there claim to have never have had a drink in their lives.

In Toronto, Canada, I went to an Indian restaurant. I got in and the waitress asked me if I was thinking of having a drink with my meal. Dumbfounded, I asked why she wanted to know. She explained that I couldn't sit in the Veranda if I was going to order a beer with my meal in order to avoid young people ~ passing by ~ seeing me having a good time and thinking they'd do the same once they'd be grown up.

If I wanted to have a beer with my Indian meal, I would have to sit where I was not facing the street.

In fact, in the whole city of Toronto, one can't buy any sort of alcohol in supermarkets. One would have to go to a place on the outskirts of Toronto, marked XXX, where winos hang around; and one would need a car to get there.

I did manage to find a place near-by selling wine. I bought a bottle of San Giovese for $CAD 10,00.
The same bottle of wine costs me 1,0 Euro at the local supermarket in Milan, Italy. You do the arithmetics.

Then, I got back to Milan. I went to the local supermarket and overheard fourteen-year-old kids talking on their mobiles to their school mates trying to decide what kind of booze to get for the end-of-school party: " Okay then, a bottle of Vodka; some beer;  some Cranberry juice; Martini; Prosecco; Negroni, and some Pineapple juice should do it, yeah?"

Go figure....


  1. Hmm here in Spain the kids meet in car parks, quiet roads and even out side the discos with their own drinks and have a party "al fresco" often out of the back of their cars!! I know my own two in their late teens used to go to the supermarket with friends to buy their bottles for a Saturday night out, my two were born here so Spanish in outlook! However I have to say,the only kids falling around drunk and out of control here in my part of Spain ( on the coast) are the British and Northern Europeans!!

    1. That's exactly my point, Susan! The prohibited fruit...
